You Never Thought That Owning An Upwork Clone Script Could Be So Beneficial!

Nirmal Raj
2 min readJun 21, 2021


During this Covid-19 pandemic, many people have lost their jobs. Some are searching for full-time jobs while some are still pondering what to do with their life and with the skills they possess. This slowly increased the number of people starting to find part-time and freelance jobs, where they can have a flexible work time and convenience to work from any place of their choice, be it their home or a mountain top, all they need is good connectivity. The gig economy has penetrated the marketplace and many are leaving their jobs to become full-time freelancers for the benefits they want to reap by being their own boss. This has given an advantage to entrepreneurs and businessmen for creating platforms that bridge the gap between freelancers and recruiters– through which they can connect and interact with one another. However, building search platforms from scratch takes a lot of time, effort and money. Thanks to clone scripts like Upwork that come to the rescue.

The benefits of using an Upwork clone Script like NetworkPlus are–

  • It provides a Freelancer Dashboard– The freelancer can update their skill set, work experience, background, etc. from time to time that will help them to search for jobs and gigs from potential recruiters.
  • It provides a Recruiter Dashboard– The recruiter can post jobs, with a job description, browse candidates and choose among the bids given by the potential candidates. The recruiter can also interact with the freelancer to be more clear about their respective requirements.
  • It has a User-Friendly User Interface– Users get bored very easily, so having a User-friendly interface is just like a cherry on top of the cake. It helps in enhancing the user experience.
  • It uses the Escrow payment method– Escrow acts as an intermediary between the freelancers and the recruiters so that the payment is done before the freelancers start working and any party does not have to face any sort of fraudulent activity or be exploited.
  • It is an SEO friendly script– Ranking higher in the search engine is what any business wants for beating their competitors. Thus, the Upwork clone Network Plus helps to bring in organic traffic through its seamless script.

So, do you want to benefit by using the Upwork Clone for starting your freelancing business? If the answer is yes, contact BSEtec today!



Nirmal Raj

Bsetec is a Digital Solution Provider Company. Our team of experts deliver next-generation solutions to perk up the business productivity.